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STEP 4 Secure & Infill

Make any final adjustments prior to nailing. It is highly recommended to use our custom galvanized "Small Head" turf nails (20D) and fasten internally (around every paver) every 8" on both sides 1" in from each edge, either aligned or alternating (see diagram below) and every 8" to 12" inches along all the outer perimeter edges 1" in from the outside edge of turf. When nailing, be sure to spread the turf away from the nail head so it doesn't trap any fibers and always fluff or brush up the fibers around to cover the nail head, which should disappear in the thatch. It's also easier and faster to layout all the nails prior to starting. That way you don't lose track of what you have already completed. 


PRO TIP: We have tested every nail on the market and although some other nails can work in a pinch, most will leave a visible nail mark or divot and take a lot of extra effort to hide. This makes a world of difference when installing hundreds or thousands of nails for your project. A nail divot will trap a clump of sand and become highly visible throughout the grid. You should not be able to see any nail divots in a successful installation. 


Nailing around the pavers will help to secure the turf down and will help keep the turf edges from lifting up when brooming infill sand and preventing clumps of sand catching in-between the edge of the turf strip and paver edge or underneath the turf backing creating bumps . Below is an example of a full nail pattern. 

Turf Grid Nail pattern

NEXT, add Infill Sand (Silica 16/30, 20/40 or Envirofill 16/30 size) SLOWLY by hand. Add 3 lbs per square foot (if your total project size is 500/SF then you will need about 350 lbs. of infill sand) of turf depending on your turf height & density. Add sand  by broadcasting along the grid lines in either direction, then using a "Deck Scrub Brush" brush sand against the fiber direction until it stands up evenly and sand is dispersed and not clumped. Be careful not to be too heavy handed (too much / too fast) and bury any fibers which will create an uneven surface. You should be adding enough sand to just below the paver surface throughout.  Repeat this step until desired finish & firmness is achieved. Tip: Use a shop vac to clean up the excess sand on the tiles and re-use.    


After brooming everything (to help disperse the sand evenly and to stand up the turf fibers) you can use a leaf blower to help disperse any clumps and to help with clean up.  Lightly spraying with water will also help to seat in the sand once completed. Rain will help this process as well.  You may need to apply sand in a few applications as it settles and you may lose some material with rain over time. Occasional brooming/brushing may be necessary to help keep the fibers from getting flattened in high traffic areas, as well as, adding some sand infill. 





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