How To Glue PAVERTURF Strips On Concrete LIKE A BOSS!
We get asked frequently how to properly glue turf strips to a concrete surface. This type of installation is used most commonly when pavers/tiles are glued or thin-set to a concrete surface leaving concrete channels/gutters or spaces around the tiles for turf strips. Using the correct type of glue for this application is very important for the overall integrity of the project. Another key is picking the right turf height product (for the proper turf reveal) since you will not have any ability to adjust this. Please email us for more detailed info on glue and turf products -
We love using 28oz Glue Caulk tubes for smaller jobs and areas which is very easy and convenient. You can apply the glue in a zig zag pattern and then spread by trowel. And, you can also run glue bead lines down the edges of the concrete channels to secure the turf edges as an alternative method and depending on the use or application, this may be fine too. But, that can also get a little pricey for larger jobs where it is more economical to purchase glue by the gallon/s and that is what we will be discussing here going forward.
Assuming the pavers/tiles are properly set, fully cured, and you have all your glue and turf materials ready... First, get all the turf cut, in place and facing the correct direction. Trim & butt all seams and connection points together like it was a finished project prior to gluing. Make sure the turf strips are all running all in the same direction for the longer runs and then the shorter cross strips should all be consistent to each other, as well. Later, once everything is glued, sanded and brushed, the connections should blend into each other. For more detailed info on how to properly layout and cut/connect turf strips please visit this page.
Once complete, you will want to remove the turf pieces as you go and place just outside the channels so they can easily be put back in the right place. This will make the gluing process smoother and faster.
We recommend a full spread (entire turf area) glue-down application when using 3" to 12" wide turf strips. If using glue in a pail, carefully pour the appropriate bead width down the center of the channel (about 1/3 of the width size) or rows and trowel to the edges with a 3/16" or 1/4" notched trowel. Hold the pail close to the surface and gently tip until it starts to flow and move down the line. Start with a smaller area or short strip to get comfortable applying the correct amount of glue needed (enough to get full coverage when spread by trowel). Be careful not to spill glue on any finish surfaces and if so, clean immediately per manufacturers recommendation. Work the glue to the edges (add as necessary) by troweling and remove any excess glue (putty knife) that can be re-used elsewhere. Depending on the glue, there may be a set up or tack time (30 mins) before you should install the turf strips. Please read the instructions on the glue. Glues will be thinner in warmer temperatures and pour easier/faster, so be sure to read the manufacturers statement for the appropriate workable temperatures.
When ready, start placing turf back in channels depending on the size of the runs and glue set-up time. It may be best to apply glue and place back the strips one row at a time or several. Make sure when butting or joining cross sections of turf pieces it's done in the correct order. Put the strips down first with the fibers bending away from the joints/seams/connection points. This will allow the adjoining piece to overlap into the other turf piece and not the glue. Use a seam roller to roll all the turf strips down for maximum adhesion and contact. It's best to apply weight wherever possible and especially at the joints, using bricks or other similar weighted materials to help hold everything with downward pressure while it cures for at least 4 hours or longer. Most glues will fully cure within 24- 48 hours.
After the glue cures, it's time to add sand for ballast and to help stand up the fibers. Add infill Sand (Silica 20/40 or Envirofill 16/30 size) SLOWLY by hand. Add 2 to 4 lbs per square foot of turf depending on your turf height & density. Add some sand by broadcasting along the grid lines in either direction, then brush (using a "Deck Scrub Brush") sand against the fiber direction until it stands up evenly and sand is dispersed and not clumped. Be careful not to be too heavy handed (too much / too fast) and bury any fibers which will create an uneven surface. You should be adding enough sand to just below the paver surface throughout. Repeat this step until desired finish & firmness is achieved. Tip: Use a shop vac to clean up the excess sand on the tiles and re-use.
After brooming everything (to help disperse the sand evenly and to stand up the turf fibers) using a "Deck Scrub Brush" against the grain, you can use a leaf blower to help disperse any clumps and to help with clean up. Lightly spraying with water will also help to seat in the sand once completed. Rain will help this process as well. You may need to apply sand in a few applications as it settles and you may lose some material with rain over time. Occasional brooming/brushing may be necessary to help keep the fibers from getting flattened in high traffic areas, as well as, adding some new sand.
Please email us if you have any questions about a specific type of application or materials.